Our Story

Executive Women International (EWI) was founded in San Francisco in 1938 by Lucille Johnson Perkins.

Executive Women International (EWI): Empowering Women Since 1938 founded in San Francisco by Lucille Johnson Perkins, EWI began as a visionary network to connect women, promote their businesses, and uplift communities. Originally named Executive Secretaries, Inc., the organization officially incorporated on April 29, 1938. Over the decades, EWI expanded across the United States and Canada, evolving into a diverse, prestigious network of professionals. In 1977, the name was updated to Executive Women International to reflect its global reach and the evolving roles of women in business. Today, EWI boasts over 1,100 members across 32 chapters in major cities, offering unparalleled opportunities for networking, community building, and professional development. EWI continues to empower business professionals and their organizations to thrive in an ever-changing world.

If you have an interest in learning more about Executive Women International of Albuquerque and the possibility of joining our chapter, email ewiabq@gmail.com